Software Developer - CamCOPS
Applications are invited for a full-time computer programmer in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge.
This is an exciting opportunity to join a research programme funded by the UK Medical Research Council to develop clinical informatics for mental health research.
Working as a part of an outstanding, multi-disciplinary team, the post-holder will be responsible for the further development of CamCOPS, an existing cross-platform open-source software for neuropsychiatric data capture, with research and clinical uses. The existing software has a client–server design and is deployed in research and NHS clinical contexts that have different regulatory requirements for subject identification and data security.
The work will include:
the addition of new cognitive/psychiatric assessment tasks;
extensions for common NHS operating system/database environments;
extensions to support clinical research study scheduling;
integration with existing and new electronic health records (EHR) systems;
and extension for large-scale population testing and validation.
The work may involve collaboration with industry partners and Medical Device regulatory approval.
Experience in C++, Python, multi-platform development, relational database use, web development, and Git is essential. Existing software uses the Qt C++ framework and the SQLAlchemy/Pyramid Python packages, so experience in these is desirable. Experience in multi-author open source software development is desirable. An understanding of the fields of psychology, neuroscience, or psychiatry would be an advantage but is not essential. There may be opportunities to collaborate on other software developments focusing on clinical records de-identification, linkage, and natural language processing.
The post will involve liaison with clinicians and researchers in the development of a clinical research platform and the ability to communicate clearly with other members of the research team is vital.
The post will be appointed at the appropriate point on the University of Cambridge’s grade 7 academic-related salary scale, depending on the seniority of the successful candidate. The position requires an honorary NHS Research Passport.
Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Rudolf Cardinal
To apply online for this vacancy, please visit the University of Cambridge jobs page and click on the 'Apply' button. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will complete the online application form. Applicants will be asked to submit a CV, covering letter outlining suitability for the role and contact details for at least two references.
Deadline for applications is Monday 27th May 2019. Interviews will take place on the morning of Friday 7th June 2019.
Salary: £29,799 to £38,833
Limit of tenure applies: Limit of tenure: until 21st August 2020