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Research Advisory Group (RAG)

Our Research Advisory Group


To help guide us through the project the CLIMB team have set up a Research Advisory Group (RAG) comprising members of the public with experience of using metal health services as either a service user or carer. They will assist with all stages of the research from developing aspects of the research design through to disseminating the results.


Here's why two of the members joined our RAG:



I decided to join the group to help make a difference using my experience with a mental health condition, in my case being diagnosed with Bipolar in 2003.  To offer and share ideas and tips in what helps me and also share my experience to help research in the future.

I was excited when I saw the invitation to join this group.  Using more extensive data can potentially answer many vital questions that an eight-week drug trial simply cannot. As a service user I was keen to see how we can be involved.

Actively engaging patients, carers and the public in managing the illnesses that affect them, maintaining health and in the design and delivery of healthcare systems, will lead to more sustainable and person-centred healthcare.  This can only be achieved by health care professionals working in co-production with patients and carers.


Over the next 18 months here are some of the projects the RAG will be involved with:

CPFT Research database

The RAG will help the CLIMB team engage with clinicians and researchers to promote the use and benefits of the CPFT Research Database



National Consent for Data use

The RAG will help to design a study to seek local and national service user and public views on tiered consent for the use of mental health data for clinical and research purposes (allowing user choice).



National sign up

Help the CLIMB team to seek views on a national web portal for service users and healthy volunteers to sign up to be contacted about mental health research



MOJO Study

Along with other members of the public, two members of the group have already helped scientists and clinicians to set up the MOJO research project. MOJO is a study looking at links between depression and certain inflammatory diseases.



Expansion of the ‘Cambridge Cognitive and Psychiatric Test Kit’ (CamCOPS) is designed to capture electronic psychiatric tests and assessments at the bedside, in clinic or in the community.  This will ensure that high quality, securely protected, research and clinical data will be available to save clinicians and service users time, for research and ultimately improve NHS care.  Our RAG will be assisting in making this a reality. (link to CamCOPS)



RAG Meeting Minutes


Details of our RAG meetings can be found below. 


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