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Project DELTA, funded by Innovate UK and Cancer Research UK, aims to improve the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer. It is a collaboration between the University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, King's College London, Queen Mary University London, the PHG Foundation, Medtronic and Cyted. Advisory Board support is provided by Action Against Heartburn, Heartburn Cancer UK, the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance, Eastern Academic Health Science Network and Newcastle University. We will develop algorithms to identify individuals most at risk. These people will be offered a Cytosponge™-TFF3 test, which can be delivered in an office setting. Cyted will develop AI algorithms to assist pathologists with rapid diagnoses. People diagnosed with Barrett’s oesophagus can then be monitored regularly for early signs of cancer.

Data mining

Algorithm development for identification of individuals at risk

Clinical implementation

Build a transferable operating model for a nurse-led clinic

Digital pathology & AI

Develop and validate deep learning frameworks to analyse samples

Economic & implementation research

Investigate factors affecting implementation  of the novel pathway

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The Cytosponge Test

The Cytosponge is a new medical test that aims to improve early detection and surveillance of Barrett’s Oesophagus. It is a quick, safe and accurate test that can be performed in a regular GP surgery. The test is meant for patients who have had gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) symptoms for several years.

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© Project DELTA

Cytosponge is a registered trademark of Medtronic

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